Complete 9mm Reloading Press Package. Dillon XL650, Dillon Case feeder, Dillon Powder check die, Lee 9mm dies, 2 extra Lee decapping pins, Dillon Precision Low Powder Sensor, Primer Follower Rod Holder by Range Panda, Pickup Tube 8 Slot Holder by Range Panda, Live Primer Chute by Range Panda, Dillon Aluminum Bullet Tray, Ergonomic roller lever (Powder-coated), Case feeder/component feeder mirror assembly, glass is cracked but still fully functional, Ultramount press riser system, Double component tray assembly, Aluminum Bin Barriers, DAA Dillon Powder Bar Adjustment Knob, Case Feed Bearing Camming Pin by Entirely Crimson, Index Bearing Block by Entirely Crimson, Premium Shell Plate Bearing, UniqueTek Spent Primer Chute, Case Ejector for Bearing by Entirely Crimson
Dillon Precision 9mm Case Gauge, Dillon Precision XL650 Reloading Machine Cover, Dillon 650 Spare Parts Kit, Dillon die wrench, Speer #15 Reloading Manual, Pistol primer pickup tubes, Primer flipper tray, Shell Sorter .45 acp/.40 S&W/ 9mm/.380/.38 Super
850x Dg bullets 135gr 9mm RN BB
800x Dg bullets 147gr 9mm FP BB
1lb hp-38
1900 federal small pistol primers
A considerable amount of cleaned 9mm and 5.56 brass along with some dirty assorted brass
Bench that is pictured can be included for free if you’d like.
Over 2k into everything listed asking $1,500 obo, more pictures available upon request